Term 4 Maths.

WALT know about how skip counting is to do with multiplying.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can work out the tables.

STUDENT VOICE " I know about patterns up to 100". 

Care Term3

WALT use the Oaklands CARE values.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I know how to show C A R E.

STUDENT VOICE I am a great community person because I get on well with everyone.

Eillish skipping term4

WALT jump on the spot while we are turning the ropes.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I can skip on the spot, jumping and turning the rope. 

STUDENT VOICE I am good at skipping. I make turn the rope quickly".

Inquiry Potato and bean growing Term 4

WALT know what plants needs to grow well.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We will plant the potato and the bean under the soil and give it water and light to help it grow. 

STUDENT VOICE " I can look after my plant really well. I give it water and I put it out in the sun".